Food Pantry
74 Households received food pantry items in August. Food PantrySaturday, September 24 11:00am - 12:00pmFood Drop Off Saturday, September 17 11:00am - 1:00pm ALL ARE WELCOME!
74 Households received food pantry items in August. Food PantrySaturday, September 24 11:00am - 12:00pmFood Drop Off Saturday, September 17 11:00am - 1:00pm ALL ARE WELCOME!
Saturday, September 17, 6:00-8:00pm in the undercroft. $12 for adults $6 for kids 6-11FREE for kids under 5 years old There will also be a 50/50 raffle.To reserve tickets email here.
Entering the Passion of Jesus: A Beginners Guide to Holy Week By Amy-Jill Levine Saturdays, February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1 Session 1: Jerusalem: Risking ReputationSession 2: The Temple: Risking Righteous AngerSession 3: Teachings: Risking ChallengeSession 4: The First Dinner: Risking RejectionSession 5: The Last Supper: Risking the Loss of FriendsSession 6: Gethsemane: Risking Temptation Sign up here and let Mother Susan know if you need help getting the Participant’s [Read more...]
New to the Episcopal way of doing church? This 3-session class might be for you. Saturdays 8:30-10 am In the undercroft. January 14January 21January 28 Explore the way we worship, think about God, read the Bible, organize ourselves within the parish, and the wider church. Bring your questions, this class is for you!
Saturday, December 38:30 am-12:30 pm In this "busiest time of the year" here is an opportunity to rest in Advent's holy quietness. Through reflections offered by Mother Susan on Advent bible passages, and your own time to sit in stillness and "know that I am God" here is an opportunity to intentionally prepare to celebrate our Lord and Savior's incarnation this Christmas. All are welcome!
Join us onlineTuesdays at noonas we explore the gospel for the coming week.Email Mother Susan here to get the zoom link.
Join us on Wednesday evenings from 7-8 pm to reflect on Sunday’s gospel. We will end our evening with the short service of Compline (Book of Common Prayer pg. 127. All are welcome. March 1 – Matthew 4:1-11March 8 – John 3:1-17March 15 – John 4:5-42March 22 – John 9:1-41March 29 – John 11:1-45
“From the first word to the last, the prayer calls us to reorient ourselves and our lives back into God’s goodness and will. This collection of essays explores each line of the Lord’s Prayer and provides insight into how we, like the disciples, may be bold to say and live into these words of petition and praise.” Saturdays, September 17, 24, and October 1 8:30 – 10 am Please read the Introduction and first two chapters before our first gathering. Sign up here. Let Mother Susan know [Read more...]