
Come for a visit. Stay for the journey.

Whether you are visiting our site for the first time or checking on up-to-date parish news, welcome! We hope this will be just one of many visits you make.

About Us

St. Mark’s is a community of faith which worships, works, and plays together. Worship is fundamental to who we are as the Episcopal Church. Work is what we do to live into the promises made in baptism: to seek and serve Christ in one another, to strive for justice and peace, to love and serve the Lord in God’s church and in the world. Play is another way we build fellowship and community. In each way we strive to welcome the newcomer into our midst.

The life of a Christian is a life of journey – a journey of worship and wonder, faith and exploration, service and sacrifice. It is a life-long journey which begins in baptism. So if you are on a journey of faith, or thinking about beginning one, please consider traveling with us.

Worship Schedule

Beginning March 2, 2025, we will have just one service on Sundays at 9:00am. Please make a note of this change.

Saturdays: 5:00pm – Holy Eucharist
Sundays: 9:00am – Holy Eucharist and streaming on Facebook LIVE

Holy Week Services

Bishop Nicholas Knisely to celebrate Holy Week with us.
Maundy Thursday, April 17, 7:00pm
Good Friday, April 18, 7:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 20, 9:00am

Office Hours

Tuesday – Friday 10:00am – 1:00PM (Call first to verify someone is there)

Events and Activities

Come and try your luck at cribbage – a fascinating card game. Saturday, April 26, 7:00pm.

May Breakfast
Sunday, May 4, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. Family $30, Individual $14, Child under 10 $10

Spring Clean Up
April 12, 9:00am. Bring a rake and some leaf bags if possible. Indoor help also needed.

Paint Party
April 27, 2:00 pm. Buy tickets online only at www.jjartworks.com (go to April 27 date to purchase)

Food Pantry
67 Households received food pantry groceries in January 2025.

Drop Off
Saturday, March 22, 11:00am – 1:00pm

Sunday, March 29, 11:00am – 12:00pm


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